Our Team:
Mark has a heart for the youth & giving them tools to live out their lives for Christ. 25 years in youth ministry & going strong.
Deb works as a full time realtor, volunteers at Bayside, RV Fish Club, OH/RV PTC Board, hosts women's bible study & prayer groups.
Valerie is wife to Travis & homeschool mom of 3 beautiful children. Her son enjoys Fish Club at Bayside on Tuesday mornings.
Dr. Dan Biddle is the president of Genesis Apologetics, helping students withstand the evolution teaching in public schools.
Michelle is currently the director of Inspire and finds joy & strength in our amazing homeschool community.
Doug is married to Rachel, a women's pastor at Bayside Church. Currently, he is working in Real Estate Management.
Kara Stout is the principal of Stouthouse Design, a graphic design firm committed to making the world a little brighter.