NextGen Arising’s ministries are not crash courses, but rather strategic plans on the part of like-minded parents who choose to re-prioritize where time is spent & invest in the eternal future of their children. I hope you find these resources helpful:
108 Object Lessons Mark Johnston
How can a thimble teach a thirst for God? How can a paint brush demonstrate self-acceptance?
Just as Jesus taught deep truth with simple objects like a fish, lost coin or a handful of seeds we need to follow His example. Open this book and a treasure of ideas will be discovered to those who are seeking to illuminate spiritual truths. Used properly these illustrations will become like “apples of silver in settings of gold,” to the eyes and ears of those who are hungry to learn. Enjoy feeding the sheep... the harvest is ripe.
Variety of Resources
Teen Commandments, Steps to become a Christian, Bible Reading Chart, Club 56 sayings, Verses, 10 Reasons Why I am a Christian, My Child Verses, Emergency Numbers, Questions, Godly Character Traits, Bearing Fruit, Who I am in Christ, 16 Reasons Not to Sin, Letter of Love, Names of the Lord